Number Thirty: The Mirror

Do you ever catch your reflection and think it’s someone else? I heard recently about a woman waving to her mother in a shop before realising it was a mirror! I constantly forget that I have no hair- I’m so used to it now that it takes me by surprise every now and again.
Yesterday I had two driving related bald-headed incidences.
  1. A van pulled out on me on a roundabout- realising his mistake he glanced at me and then instead of either speeding up and getting out of the way or stopping to let me go he slowed down to almost stopping right in the way and gawped at me… mid roundabout! I think the sight of my bald head rendered him unable to drive! Hilarious!
  2. I saw a bald lady driving and I had to resist the urged to beep at her and point at my own bald head! A bit like when drivers of the same make of car acknowledge each other! Why would I want to do this? Maybe I’m in need of a bald friend!
Anyway I digress… the mirror- every now and then I catch glimpse of my own reflection and see…
The Leech boy from X-Men… this is the one I am reminded of most often! A real similarity- I think it’s the eyebrows!
A manikin- thank you to my sisters for pointing this one out! It was noted how easily I could have fitted in to the camping display in a shop last week! (Minus a boob maybe!)
Alien Nation- a memory I didn’t even realise I had! In fact I couldn’t remember what the TV show was called- I had to describe it to my husband. ‘You know, it was on TV when we were young…orange bald head… pink splodges!’ ‘Alien Nation?’ he replied… ‘You do not look like that!’ How kind of him but it’s definitely one of the things I’ve seen in the mirror lately!
The Observer from Fringe- I see him in the mirror ALL the time- think I’ll be seeing more of him as I lose my eye brows and lashes with the change of chemo next week!
Natalie Portman- yeah right! I wish! Ha- maybe when my hair starts to grow back? I can hope can’t I?

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